Book Reviews
“This is iron-sharpening-iron work that must be at the core of the best leaders’ character and decisions. John pushes us all to do it right, and this book gives us the tools to get there.”
Dr. Roger Parrott, President, Belhaven University
“We are all being led or leading all the time, and both sides have great responsibility. John digs deep into the ethical sides of decision making. The book is laced with interesting and powerful stories about how others have met moral dilemmas. Some do what is right, and others don’t. It has very little to do with who is a ‘good person.’ Doing what is right seems so obvious; many of us never give any thought to it. We should. If everyone read this book, the world would be a better place. This book should be required reading for everyone.”
Michael L .F. Slavin, author, One Million in the Bank, CEO, U. S. Emerald Energy Company
“Many books simply theorize and proselytize about ethics in business. Not so with this exceptional account of the real life experiences of top level executives who succeeded and failed in the arena of ethical intelligence and decision making. The stories in this book provide a much-needed wake-up call for all of us. Read it now.”
Michael J. Vandermark, Ph.D., Consulting Corporate Psychologist
“Dr. Opincar’s book is a roadmap for creating an ethically intelligent life experience, and it is a recipe for success. This is a great book. It should be required reading for everyone.”
Eric Idehen, Founder and CEO, Cornerstone of Hope Orphanages, Benin City, Nigeria and Pujehun, Sierra Leone
“This book comes at a time in our country when leaders, organizations and communities are mired in increasing ethical dilemmas. Dr. Opincar skillfully created a book that combines research, history, storytelling and his personal experiences to deepen the readers’ understanding of the key concepts and framework. The list of questions at the end of each chapter offers the readers valuable opportunity to reflect on their current beliefs and practices. The stories, case scenarios and reflective questions are great tools for teachers, trainers and leadership coaches to engage individuals and groups in dynamic dialogues about ethical issues and develop skills to enhance their ethical intelligence.”
Dr. Ernelyn J. Navarro, LCSW, BCC. Board Certified Coach, P.E.A.R.L. Coaching & Consulting, Adjunct Professor, University of Southern California School of Social Work
“Dr. Opincar is a skilled leadership thought leader who has created a composite reflection of the leadership body of knowledge that every leader and manager needs to read. In turbulent times, we need ethical leaders to emulate and follow. John’s work is a catalyst that can allow for greater ongoing discussions and ethical practices to increase awareness. Each chapter’s ‘Questions for You’ allow the reader to self-reflect, assess and do even better from that point forward. Read 10 pages a day and grow.”
Dr. Rich Schuttler, International Public Speaker, Educator and Best-Selling Author
“In a time of cultural and business ethical controversies and issues, Dr. Opincar uses extensive research on ethical intelligence throughout the ages, along with an effective storytelling style, to marry the concepts of truth required for ethical living in your personal and work life. Moreover, Dr. Opincar’s message throughout this book shines a light on a path to understanding true ethically intelligent leadership. You will enjoy the stories and message. Read the book. It will change how you work and play.”
Paul Nilles, Executive Vice President, GC3, LLC