The eQuu® Survey measures the maturation of your gift for judging matters of fairness in relationships, your eQuu® or ethical intelligence quotient. This is the “street” definition of ethical intelligence. The scientific definition of ethical intelligence is the intellectual capacity and framework for judging matters of equity in relationships.

Human behaviors occur in relationships. We live within relationships from birth to death, and your ethical intelligence shows itself within those relationships. The eQuu® Survey is a human behavior-based social science survey instrument that measures the maturation of your ethical intelligence. The eQuu® Survey consists of 53 questions designed to produce experiential responses reflective of your past or current behavior within relationships.

Those questions elicit your experiential responses to relationship scenarios reflective of 24 direct or indirect ethical intelligence indicators. These ethical intelligence indicators coalesce into 8 reportable behavioral traits.

Using our proprietary algorithms, we process the data and compute your composite eQuu® score. We further disaggregate the data and compute your individual scores for the behavioral traits, which point to strengths and potential areas for improvement.